Here in Martin County, we have a strong love for nature. For many, it is what drew us here to begin with. From the pristine forests that seem to transport us back in time, to the blue waters that we can enjoy year-round, it’s hard to imagine Martin County without these incredible natural resources.
This is why we have decided to take the next step to ensure their preservation by partnering with Leave No Trace, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible outdoor recreation and reducing the impact of tourism on natural areas.
Leave No Trace is an internationally recognized non-profit organization that aims to protect natural lands by educating people how to explore responsibly. Whether you’re a long-time resident or just visiting for the weekend, we all can play a part in helping to conserve our lands.
Martin County, Florida is an undiscovered gem of South Florida, hosting 22 miles of uncrowded beaches, over 100,000+ acres of parks and conservation lands, and a small-town feel throughout. To help protect this destination that both residents and tourists view as paradise, the Martin County Office of Tourism and Marketing has signed the Sustainable Tourism 2030 Pledge to demonstrate the destination’s commitment to improving its sustainability performance between now and 2030.
The UN World Tourism Organization defines sustainable tourism as “tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities.” More than ever, Martin County understands the importance of implementing sustainable tourism strategies as it allows tourism to positively shape a destinations environment, community, and economy.
Martin County has been awarded as a Silver destination through GreenStep’s Sustainability Score, and we are excited to see how we can continue to develop as a sustainable destination moving forward.
Here in Martin County, several properties have been established by the Florida Green Lodging Program (GLP) this means that they uphold high standards of sustainability in various categories, such as waste reduction and recycling, water conservation, and energy efficiency. The Green Lodging Program has a four-tiered designation represented by “Palm” levels, with the highest score a GLP Property can get being 4 Palms.
The Florida Green Lodging Program (GLP) was established by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to designate and recognize lodging facilities across the state that make a commitment to conserve and protect Florida’s natural resources. Currently, there are 323 designated Florida Green Lodging properties across the state.
When exploring Martin County’s incredible natural environment, it is important to know how to minimize your impacts on those resources. That is why we have partnered with Leave No Trace.
Learn more about the 7 Leave No Trace Principles so that all can enjoy our nature for years to come.
Click below to learn about local preserves, outfitters, and guided activities to help you Explore Natural Martin.