The Florida Green Lodging Program (GLP) was established by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to designate and recognize lodging facilities across the state that make a commitment to conserve and protect Florida’s natural resources. Currently, there are 323 designated Florida Green Lodging properties across the state.
Here in Martin County, our two beachside resorts have both been established as a Green Lodging Property, meaning that they uphold high standards of sustainability in various categories, such as waste reduction and recycling, water conservation, and energy efficiency. The Green Lodging Program has a four-tiered designation represented by “Palm” levels, with the highest score a GLP Property can get being 4 Palms.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is promoting a “Skip the Straw” initiative, which challenges individuals, schools and businesses to help reduce pollution from plastic in Florida. If every person in Florida took this pledge, we could together reduce pollution from plastic straws by approximately 2.35 million.
Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Florida created the Monofilament Recovery and Recycling Program (MRRP) it is a statewide effort to educate the public on the consequences of monofilament line left in the environment, to encourage recycling through a network of line recycling bins and drop-off locations, and to promote volunteer cleanup events.
In Florida, there are over 1600 bins located around the state collecting fishing line. These are located at boat ramps, fishing piers, marinas, tackle shops, and many fishing supply stores. Find out where a fishing line recycling bin is located near you.
The South Florida coastline from Martin County through Monroe County is home to the only living coral barrier reef in the continental United States and is the world’s third largest coral reef system measuring at 105 miles. Though a majority of the current reef system is vibrantly healthy, we are aware of the stress Florida’s coral reefs are facing. Locally, the Florida counties of Monroe, Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and Martin have banded together to create a “Coral Reef Ambassador” Initiative, which provides actions individuals can take to safeguard our precious resource. Stand with Martin County as we work to #ProtectOurParadise. Learn more about Florida’s iconic reef here.
Martin County passed a Resolution in 2019 supporting voluntary reduction of single-use plastic straws, polystyrene and plastic use in general to preserve, protect and enhance local Florida waterways and prevent plastic pollution from entering the marine environment. As part of the outreach program we are collaboration with local and regional partners to provide information on plastic pollution harm and to encourage and support alternative practices and use of marine friendly products.
More community partners tackling plastics:
VolunTourism is the act of volunteering while you are a tourist in order to make a positive difference in that destination’s community. Here in Martin County, we have plenty of VolunTourism opportunities, especially for projects related to environmental conservation. Read below to learn about local organizations that host volunteer days, and see if you can incorporate one into your next visit to Martin County!
Martin County is proud to have an official, county-wide partnership with Leave No Trace, an internationally recognized organization that works to protect the outdoors through science, education, and stewardship. This partnership will give Martin County the tools to continue to develop sustainable tourism across the county, enhancing us as a destination by putting the health of our environment and surrounding communities at the forefront.
Martin County Tourism Office is a partner with One Planet Living Sustainable Tourism Programme, which aims to accelerate sustainable tourism policies and practices to address the challenges of pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change. One Planet Living encompasses 10 easy-to-grasp principles along with detailed goals and guidance. “Together, these provide a clear, practical route map to create a sustainability action plan for any organization that can engage hearts as well as minds,” according to the One Planet Living website